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Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This is a plug for a webite developed by a friend, an awesome trainer at my gym and elite runner, that competes with ones like livestrong and daily burn. It costs $9.95 a month, which might be a turn off, but it's far more exhaustive than any other site I've seen, and you'd have to join several sites in order to get all this info. It has a diet tracker, in which you can use one of the common macro percentages or set your own, find out how many cals you should eat based on one of the calculations (I always use the mifflin st jeor), which is a major plus and something the other sites lack. They have the option, but those sites are not good for that info. Notoriously wrong, in fact, and only should be used for tracking and recording foods. You can do that on this site as well, make meals, add new foods if yours is not in the database (I looked for t joe's foods, and while it had a lot, it didn't have some of the ones I eat), find recipes, make recipes, etc. You can also track your workouts. He also has a databade of workouts he and others made. The site also includes community info, like posting blogs and having message boards. Basically, you can do what you want with this site. I was quite impressed and honored when he had me look at the site before it came into fruition. I gave him my .02, and I know the price will turn a lot of people off, but it's worth checking out, especially if you need all this info. It's all in one place, and is really exhaustive and all-inclusive. I know you can create an acct on livestrong for free (that's what I use), but some sites do cost money, and all of them I definitely stand behind this one.


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